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High School Principal Letter

Dear High School Community.  

At Liceo Taller San Miguel we are committed to the formation of leaders who transform society. That is why in High School we strengthen the potential of students and bring them closer to identifying their particular qualities that lead them to nurture their life´s project. By making them protagonists of their learning processes, students develop the knowledge, skills and values ​​needed to build a successful life. All of the above is done hand in hand with families who are fundamental for the growth of their children.  

Today the world faces a series of challenges and uncertainties that require different, creative and ethical approaches that lead to positive results for all. That is the commitment of Liceo Taller San Miguel  in its educational project in which valuing the other and building with the other is essential.  

Thank you for being part of our community and for trusting our learning purposes.  

Warm regards,  

Germán Andrés Díaz Murcia

High School Principal

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