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Early Learning Student Profile

In coherence with our institutional project,  where we assume education as an integral, formative and interactive process,  our purpose for nursery school at Liceo Taller San Miguel is to strive for the  development and stimulation of five dimensions of the human being  (Social-affective, Communicative, Corporal, Cognitive and Ethical), which will allow our children to integrate into  culture in a healthy and harmonious way. Therefore, at the end of the  pre-kindergarten, children are expected to be happy, creative, self-confident  children, able to interact and develop in different contexts, being  protagonists of their own development, aware of their learning in terms of  habit training with an adequate sensory integration as a gateway for learning.      

In reference to the five dimensions of training  in which we emphasize, it is expected for boys and girls to achieve the  following profile, at the end of nursery school:


Children who explore their immediate surroundings with curiosity, creativity and respect, managing close relationships with the people around them, with the ability to integrate into different contexts that generate trust to them. Children develop basic habits of self-care demonstrating a certain degree of autonomy.


Children who make use of different forms of communication to express feelings, emotions, experiences and situations. To Perform interpretations and representations from expressive language


To develop a degree of gross and fine motor skills, the recognition of their own body and the function of each one of their senses. Additionally they acquire an acceptable development of the vestibular apparatus coordinating the movement of the eyes, the head and the body in activities appropriate for their age.  


Based on the stimulation of adequate sensory integration, our children are expected to have developed argumentation skills, solving simple problem situations of their daily life, recognition and nomination of objects, shapes, colors and animals. 






The children of our institution are expected to  appreciate the importance of the things that surround them. Demonstrate  solidarity and respect for their peers. Follow instructions and recognize  authority figures legitimately and not from fear.    

Finally, in the process of educating our children, it is essential to have families committed to them both academically and emotionally, interested in working alongside the institution. Families who desire to raise happy, responsible, and caring children.

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